What to do if you smell gas
Natural gas is colourless

Natural gas is colourless, odourless and non-poisonous - but it's highly flammable. To keep you safe, a rotten egg smell has been added so escaped natural gas can be detected.
If you notice a slight smell of gas

Open your doors and windows
If the smell gets stronger or is accompanied by a hissing noise

Remain calm
Leave your house immediately, leaving the doors and windows open
From a safe distance, call 1-866-SMEL-GAS (1-866-763-5427)
If you smell gas outside

Call 1-866-SMEL-GAS (1-866-763-5427)
Stay clear of the area if you're inside, keep doors and windows closed
Don't use open flames extinguish candles and fireplaces
If you see a gas fire

Call 911 or your local fire department
Don't try to put out the fire yourself, never use water on burning gas
If you are near a gas leak, indoors or outdoors

Don't turn electrical switches, appliances or computers on or off
Don't use your telephone or cell phone from a safe distance, call 1-866-SMEL-GAS (1-866-763-5427)
Don't start any vehicles or motors
Don't use lighters or matches, and don't smoke